Protect Your Property From Harmful Critters in Toms River, NJ

We'll safely remove animals that dig up gardens and tear up homes

Your daisies and daffodils are a labor of love. But to animals that dig up gardens, they're just in the way. Don't let all your hard work get destroyed overnight - hire a professional at Trapper Toms Wildlife Removal to evict dangerous wildlife from your yard ASAP. We'll safely relocate groundhogs, raccoons and skunks from your property in Toms River, NJ before they mate and multiply.

Wildlife home damage will cost a small fortune to fix if the source of the problem isn't addressed quickly.

Start looking for red flags that indicate a critter invasion

Have you noticed squeaking or scratching sounds in your walls? Do you see droppings or urine stains that weren't caused by your pets? If so, it's time to hire a wildlife removal expert.

Signs of wildlife home damage include:

  • Torn up gardens
  • Gnawed furniture
  • Chewed wiring
  • Overturned garbage cans

Animals that can dig up gardens and tear up homes need to be dealt with right away. Call 908-783-1226 now to schedule an appointment.